The Spawn Chunks 321: Orange Is The New Block Jonny, and Joel review the new features of Bundles Of Bravery, the latest, live Minecraft update, and share their first impressions of the new resin blocks, and eyeblossom flowers coming to the Pale Garden in the Winter...
The Spawn Chunks 320: How Pale Does Your Garden Grow? Joel, and Jonny run down the latest bug fixes as Bundles Of Bravery nears a final release, then discuss multiple emails from the community about the Pale Garden, pale oak trees, and The Creaking. Joel Duggan...
The Spawn Chunks 313: Keeping Tabs On Inventory Jonny, and Joel cover the new changes made to bundles in the latest Minecraft snapshot, tackle a related listener email about bundles, player storage, and the UI, then discuss how to move an established Minecraft world...
The Spawn Chunks 311: A Bundle Of Changes Jonny, and Joel immerse themselves in the first new snapshot for Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials where Mojang is experimenting with changes to minecarts, redstone, and bundles. A listener has a smashing idea for the mace, and...
The Spawn Chunks 310: Mindful Minecraft Modding Joel, and Jonny cover the hotfix to Minecraft 1.21 issued by Mojang this past week, and look ahead to potential changes to minecarts hinted at by and old bug changing status in the bug tracker. Plus, listener email on...
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