The Spawn Chunks 331: Building A Better 2025
Jonny, and Joel share their plans for 2025, the Minecraft related ones, and answer listener email about ambient music discs, and introducing your friends, and loved ones into the world of Minecraft.

Joel Duggan

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- The Citadel | Westhill
- There was time for a few streams from The Citadel over the holiday break.
- Worked on the abandoned farmstead along the Spruce River, adding a large abandoned barn with a big hold in the mossy, overgrown roof, finishing up the textures, and interior of the old farm house, and added what’s left of a foundation to another outbuilding.
- Pale moss, pale moss carpet, and pale oak leaves came in very handy in making the roof look aged in a convincing way.

- Friday LEGO Let’s Chat
- The Westhill Main Gate MOC LEGO set, designed, and sent in by GrandpaCrafter is complete!
- Really cool to see a Minecraft build so key in The Citadel experience the past few years realized in LEGO.
- It’s huge! Over 2700 pieces. 60cm tall x 44cm wide x 36cm deep.

- The Minecraft Survival Guide, Season 3
- Over the holidays there was more of a relaxed approach to Minecraft.
- The interior of the blacksmith’s forge has been designed, and decorated.
- The landscape supporting the back of the floating island pirate ship has been completed.
- Added some small farms for pale moss, weeping vines, and similar plants that will come in handy for upcoming build projects.
- Choppin’ The Last Tuesday Of 2024 – Minecraft Survival Guide LIVE! (Twitch.tv/Pixlriffs)
- In 2025 We Build – Minecraft Survival Guide LIVE! (Twitch.tv/Pixlriffs)
- Over the holidays there was more of a relaxed approach to Minecraft.

Minecraft News
- The Spawn Chunks News
- Patreon Changes
- We have set the new tiers on Patreon behind the scenes, and we have begun the process of migrating The Spawn Chunks Patreon page from per-creation billing to monthly subscription billing.
- We are currently waiting on feedback from the team at Patreon before we move forward to the next step of the migration.
- Bonus Episode Hangouts For Patrons
- The first Monthly Minecraft Hangout for 2025 will be later this month, near the end of January.
- The First Quarterly Hangout in 2025 will be for for Q4 2024 / The Year In Review, and will be in early February 2025.
- Our hosting provider Acast needs a few weeks to collect the download data for the final episodes of 2024.
- You can get access to all new (and old) bonus episodes by becoming a member of The Spawn Chunks community via our Patreon page.
- Patreon.com/TheSpawnChunks (Patreon.com)
- Patreon Changes

Screenshot: Spawn Chunks Member CoolDudes4208
Chunk Mail
FROM: JayDBuilds
SUBJECT: Ambient Sound Discs
Hi Joel, and Jonny!
I was listening to the conversation about ambient sounds in Episode 329, and had an idea that could be used for in-game play.
What if in each biome there were disc fragments, like the ones from the Ancient Cities, that could be found in the various structures, trail ruins, or villages, and when crafted together would make an ambient sound disc? One disc for each major biome. For example the “Jungle Ambient Sounds” disc, when crafted, could play parrot, and monkey noises, while an “Ocean Ambient Sounds” disc might have waves splashing or whale song.
Perhaps even allow players to craft “Blank Music Discs” and, along with a jukebox, venture out and “record” ambient sounds from each biome to make a collection of ambient sound discs.
While these ideas do not solve the problem of a lack of ambient sound in biomes, it would give players in-game control over sound-scaping their builds.
JayDBuilds survived, but jumped at the sound of a lion’s roar on the Savannah Ambient Sounds Disc.
- AmbientSounds (Modrinth)
FROM: Lord_Valor
SUBJECT: From Creative To Survival
Hi Pix, and Joel,
For Christmas this year I gave my girlfriend a copy of Minecraft. She has been playing exclusively on a super flat, peaceful, creative world with no day/night cycle. She has expressed interest in joining my Minecraft Realm, and everyone is excited for her to join the server but my concern is her transition between Creative, and Survival. Since we are all in endgame, I can see her getting overwhelmed by the amount of things to do, and get in the game.
How can I ensure that my girlfriend has a fun transition from an exclusively creative experience to survival? Her having fun is my first priority.
Thanks for all you guys do for the Minecraft community!
Lord_Valor died trying to protect his girlfriend from another creeper that snuck up behind her.
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A New Year In The Mines! Plans For 2025
Jonny, and Joel discuss their plans for Minecraft for 2025. From finally finishing Westhill, tightening up the Nether on The Citadel, and starting something sci-fi, and new to returning to Trial Chambers, adding needed resource farms, and just straight up building more, there is always something to do in Minecraft!