The Spawn Chunks 319: Is Minecraft Getting Easier?

Oct 14, 2024 | podcast

Jonny, and Joel cover multiple pre-releases for Minecraft 1.21.2, Bundles Of Bravery, hear feedback from a real life landscape architect on improving the Pale Garden biome, and discuss how changes to Minecraft difficulty could potentially effect future gameplay.

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The Imp & Skizz Podcast


  • Satisfactory & Technical Minecraft
    • All game time this past week has been dedicated to Satisfactory.
    • However, it did spark some thoughts about returning to the more technical side of Minecraft by exploring some tech mods like Sky Factory 4, or Create Mod.
    • This stint away from Minecraft, along with the conversation on The Citadel Cafe this week was a good reminder that it’s never a bad idea to take a break from a game when you need, especially when that game is part of your job as they can be for a lot of content creators out there.


  • The Minecraft Survival Guide, Season 3
    • Started exploring wind charge launchers, and how to decorate them.
      • Inspired by Cubfan’s trick of using a composter to allow wind charges to burst underneath the player, which is relatively effective!
      • One wind charge gets you 7-8 blocks of lift, two wind charges gets you closer to 15 blocks, and eight wind charges will send you truly flying!
      • Wind charge dispensers decorated as giant fans will definitely be used in traversing parts of the new city project.

FROM: Malkazar
SUBJECT: Malkazar The Landscape Architect

Hey Jonny, and Joel,

I’ve been listening to The Spawn Chunks for a few months now, and I always enjoy you two geeking out over Minecraft. I’m a landscape architect in my daily life, and in Minecraft I also enjoy creating landscapes. So I thought you two might be interested in what someone who knows something about both landscape architecture, and Minecraft might want to see in future Minecraft drops.

First off, what I would like to see in the upcoming pale garden biome. Personally, I really like the concept of a creepy forest, but I don’t think it does a lot of justice to the name “Pale Garden”. I would love some more unique flowers in this biome that fit the creepy aesthetic. Here are some flowers that fit with the theme:

Ghost Plant: A completely white succulent which look like small white flowers.

Shame plant: A very interesting plant which is known for shriveling up when touched or when it’s dark. This could really fit in with the creepy aesthetic. When a player goes through the Pale Garden the plants could close when it’s getting dark, and the creaking appears.

Garlic: Wild garlic has a flower that looks a lot like a small white allium. Garlics could also be an interesting potion or cooking ingredient. Garlic is also very prevalent in ghost stories. (Perhaps a potion with garlic could scare the creaking away?)

Pansies: A very common garden plant in a lot of different colors. The Halloween pansie for instance, is black with an orange centre, which matches how the creaking looks.

Corpse flower: A very tall jungle plant. It would be interesting if a player could take a sniffer into the Pale Garden biome and dig up seeds that grow could this flower. It’s called a corpse flower because it smells like a corpse, to attract flies and other insects to pollinate. Perhaps in game these flowers could attract fireflies.

Jack o’ lantern mushrooms: This would be a great biome to introduce glowing mushrooms, something the community has been asking for, for a long time. The jack o’ lantern mushroom would be a perfect first glowing mushroom to add. It’s an orange mushroom that glows and night. Granted, when it glows it’s green, but with some Minecraft logic an orange glow could make sense.

White pumpkins: It would be cool to have some white pumpkins in the game. These could be smaller than regular pumpkins, and when creating jack o’ lanterns, they could have a different face than the existing carved pumpkins in game. Perhaps a skeleton face or a creaking face?

White Ash Tree: I love the new pale oak wood type but I don’t like that the pale oak tree is just a retextured dark oak tree. A different shape, and a different name could help with differentiating it from the roofed forest biome.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I was planning to list off some more plants, but this email is already getting quite long!


Malkazar died smelling the corpse flower.

Ghost Plant

Corpse Flower

Shame Plant

Jack O’ Lantern Mushrooms

Wild Garlic

White Pumpkins

Halloween Pansies

White Ash

FROM: Tim S.
SUBJECT: Changes To Easy & Peaceful Mode

Hello Pix, and Joel,

What are your thoughts on the Bedrock Preview changes to Easy and Peaceful mode?

I have played on a server before with Keep Inventory on, and it did help a lot with the frustration of dying, especially for the children on the server. Personally, I did find the consequences of dying a bit too small, though creepers are still frustrating even when I don’t lose my inventory.

Perhaps an in-between solution would be better? Something like a gravestone mod, where you don’t lose your items but they are placed in a temporary container where you died?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Tim exploded, but it doesn’t seem like he died because Keep Inventory was on.

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Is Minecraft Getting Easier?

Jonny, and Joel extend The Spawn Chunks community discussion around the default changes to Easy, and Peaceful game modes on Bedrock Edition, and discuss the potential effects of making Minecraft easier, how the difficulty system in Minecraft could be made more dynamic, and how potential changes in game difficulty could alter the behaviour of Minecraft players.