The Spawn Chunks 313: Keeping Tabs On Inventory

Sep 2, 2024

Jonny, and Joel cover the new changes made to bundles in the latest Minecraft snapshot, tackle a related listener email about bundles, player storage, and the UI, then discuss how to move an established Minecraft world to the next stage of inspiration.

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Minecraft News

FROM: VoleHunter
SUBJECT: A Bundle Of Inventory Problems

I left this as a comment on YouTube, and someone suggested that I should send it in as a Chunk Mail message.

Ender chests, shulker boxes, and bundles all allow you to hold more items in their own way.  What would help is to improve the access to this extra inventory, and I think this can be done by changing the inventory UI.

I think a UI like the Creative inventory with tabs could help. One tab is the main inventory, and all other tabs are slots where you can assign a shulker, bundle, or ender chest if there is one in the main inventory. These tabs will allow access to the items in the container as if it was your inventory without placing it down or using weird clicks, or button presses. Each tab is like a pocket lined by a shulker or bundle.  

Imagine assigning five empty shulker boxes to tabs, selecting one of those tabs, and start mining sand.  When the shulker gets full, select the second tab, and keep mining. The sand will go directly into the shulker of the selected tab.

You could have a shulker tab for stone bits, for deep slate bits, and one for wood bits.  When you need one or the other, just select that tab of the shulker you need and use the stuff straight from the shulker.

When main inventory is selected, everything works as it does now.

VoleHunter Died to inventory cramming.

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Moving On Without Starting Over

A common question asked in the Chunk Mail inbox is, “How can I stay motivated to continue to play in my Minecraft world?” This week, Evo334 turns the tables, and asked for tips on how to start fresh, without loosing the twelve months of progress they’ve put into their world. Joel, and Jonny outline a few of the many options available to players that find themselves in this situation.

FROM: Evo334
SUBJECT: Procrastination Dilema

Hi Jonny and Joel,

I’ve been working on my Minecraft world for twelve months, building my starter village around the spawn chunks. While I have the main farms, and villager setups, my builds lack the coherence seen in your projects. I want to move away and create something new, but I’m procrastinating because it feels like starting over, and I’m so used to my current setup.

Could you share advice on overcoming this procrastination and successfully starting anew?

Evo334 set out for new horizons but crafted an excuse to stay in the spawn village.

On the first stream from Minecraft Tricky Trials, Joel took a spin around The Citadel, gathering resources, and checking out farm that could use the new crafter. It’s a small glimpse at the way The Citadel is set up as an ongoing, and expanding server.