The Spawn Chunks 311: A Bundle Of Changes
Jonny, and Joel immerse themselves in the first new snapshot for Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials where Mojang is experimenting with changes to minecarts, redstone, and bundles. A listener has a smashing idea for the mace, and both Jonny, and Joel have big projects on the go.

Joel Duggan

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- The Citadel | Westhill | The Citadel Iron Farm Retrofit
- With the spawning mechanics for the iron farm sorted, this week was spent working on the new design of the farm, adding a deepslate, and basalt melting pot for the golems, with smoke animation, and copper steam pipes.
- The Citadel – Fixing The Server Iron Farm – Part 3 (YouTube.com/JoelDugganVODs)
- The Citadel – Fixing The Server Iron Farm – Part 4 (YouTube.com/JoelDugganVODs)
- Scary Stephen The Zombie, and the scared villagers at the top of the farm are encased in blocks, and hidden from view.
- Not wanting just another “box in the sky” farm, the copper piping idea from the melting pot has been brought to the top of the farm to make it more interesting.
- The Citadel – Fixing The Server Iron Farm – Part 5 (YouTube.com/JoelDugganVODs)
- The Citadel – Fixing The Server Iron Farm – Part 6 (YouTube.com/JoelDugganVODs)
- The idea was to try to pay homage to the original iron farm design, but at this point it’s only the fact that it has four legs, and roughly the same footprint that feels similar. Hoping the addition of leaf blocks, and foliage for spawn proofing the top of the farm will help bring it back towards the original design a bit.
- With the spawning mechanics for the iron farm sorted, this week was spent working on the new design of the farm, adding a deepslate, and basalt melting pot for the golems, with smoke animation, and copper steam pipes.

- The Minecraft Survival Guide, Season 3 (YouTube)
- Terraforming of the new fantasy city area is taking a while.
- It’s difficult to get significant progress into a single video.
- Fantasy Minecraft SMP (VODs on Twitch.tv)
- Finding blissfully few crafting rabbit-holes in this modpack, which is usually more typical.
- Mushroom Man Does A Quest – Fantasy Minecraft Fabric (Twtich.tv/Pixlriffs)
- Using in-game tools to find, and loot structures for easy diamonds.
- The modpack separates loot per player, so looting structures doesn’t leave them empty for the next player that comes along.
- Raided a Treasure Bastion that had no Netherite Upgrade thanks to over-stuffed loot tables.
- Looting The Room – Fantasy Minecraft Fabric (Twtich.tv/Pixlriffs)
- Finding blissfully few crafting rabbit-holes in this modpack, which is usually more typical.

Minecraft News
- Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.20 (Minecraft.net)

- Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Preview (Minecraft.net)
- Bedrock Bundles Feedback (feedback.Minecraft.net)
- Bedrock Bugs (bugs.Mojang.com)

Chunk Mail
FROM: DFCordova
SUBJECT: Idea For The Mace
Hi Joel, and Pix!
Congrats on 6 years of the show!
I have an idea that I think could add a cool new use for the mace, and help with reducing more UI being added to the game. What if you could use the mace to crush items?
This is how it could work: You throw as many items as you want on a crafting table. They must be in item form, and the more you throw, the more you may damage your mace. Next, you hit the crafting table with the mace from at least 3 blocks high, and you get the chance of crushing some, or most of those items into different ones. The higher you fall from for the hit, the better the chances of conversion.
For example, you could throw some cobblestone on a crafting table, then when it’s crushed it could turn into gravel, and crushing gravel could turn it into sand, and so many other possibilities.
I think crushing items could take more durability off the mace compared to combat, just like the sword when used for bamboo harvesting. That’s the tradeoff.
I get that most of this you can do with the autocrafter, but I think it’s a different way for doing the same thing, and that’s something very “Minecraft-y.”
Hope to hear your thoughts on it.
Dfcordova died of fall damage while trying to turn gravel into sand.
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The First Snapshot Of Minecraft 1.21
There is a lot to talk about in the first snapshot for Minecraft 1.21. Jonny, and Joel focus on the big three changes the community is talking about, changes to minecarts, changes to redstone, and changes to the bundles. All of these changes have been implemented in the Experimental Features part of the game, and have no assigned update as to when, or if they may be coming to Minecraft in their current iterations. Mojang is looking for constructive feedback, so Jonny, and Joel dive in.