The Spawn Chunks 290: Superflat Chat With Mogswamp
Joel, and Jonny welcome Mogswamp to the podcast to chat about the new mace, and the ups, and downs of pounding away in a twelve year old superflat world. There is also a new snapshot this week, and the Minecraft Marketplace now has a subscription option.

Joel Duggan

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- Mogswamp everywhere!
- @Mogswamp (YouTube)
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- Mogswamp Discord (Discord.gg)
- Mogswamp on Patreon (Patreon.com)
- Superflat
- Digging dirt in the superflat world for Operation Megahex.
- Still working on the 100 Days Of Videos challenge.
- Minecraft SOS
- Enjoying the challenge of creating Survival Multiplayer content, and especially enjoying using blocks unobtainable in superflat worlds on the Minecraft SOS server.

- The Citadel | Westhill | The Westhill River Inn
- The Westhill River Inn is complete!
- Finished the cellar with dry storage, and laundry basin details using the Tables & Chairs data pack. Plus a hidden secret tunnel, just because.
- Tables & Chairs (Modrinth)
- There is a tiered rose garden in the front of the inn. The back garden is split by a path from the back door with a vegetable garden, and wood pile on one side, flower garden, trellis, and seating area on the other. Both Tables & Chairs, and Armour Statues data packs were used.
- Armour Statues (VanillaTweaks.net)
- The Citadel – Westhill River Inn – Part 5 (YouTube.com/JoelDugganVODs)
- The Citadel – Westhill River Inn – Part 6 (YouTube.com/JoelDugganVODs)
- The Citadel – Westhill River Inn – Part 7 (YouTube.com/JoelDugganVODs)
- The Citadel – Westhill River Inn – Part 8 (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- The Citadel – Westhill River Inn – Part 9 (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- Finished the cellar with dry storage, and laundry basin details using the Tables & Chairs data pack. Plus a hidden secret tunnel, just because.
- The Westhill River West Banks
- With the inn complete, the west banks of the Westhill River need some detail, starting with the path, and stairs from the inn, down to the river.
- The Citadel – Westhill River West Bank – Part 1 (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- The Westhill River Inn is complete!

- Minecraft SOS
- The dig on Minecraft SOS continues! So far we’ve uncovered a geode, a bunch of flooded caves, and an ancient city.
- We opened up The End, and got elytra, and shulker boxes, so it has become a bit easier getting in, and out of the dig site.
- The latest ‘Fate Coin Challenge’ on the server was to build something at spawn. So ground was broken on a Nether hub.

Minecraft News
- Minecraft: Java Edition Snapshot 24W12A (Minecraft.net)

- Say Hello To Marketplace Pass (Minecraft.net)

Chunk Mail
FROM: FlammableFlowMC
DISCORD MEMBER: Landscape Artist
SUBJECT: More Mace Applications
Hi Jonny, Joel, and Mog!
I just listened to your most recent podcast about the mace, (Ep. 289) and I was wondering if this weapon could also become a tool. The sword, famously a PVP weapon, also has applications as a tool. The sword can break some blocks faster than other tools. Could the mace have an application like this?
Maybe the mace will not be the recommended tool for mining specific blocks but possibly some other, purely survival application? This would make the mace more useful, potentially make it more desirable, and could incentivise some players go out, and find the materials to craft it.
FlammableFlowMC burnt in some flammable flow.
FROM: Inkor_The_2nd
SUBJECT: Fixing Superfloat Problems
Hi Joel, Pix, and Mogswamp!
Since Mog is on the podcast this week, I wanted to bring up my ideas on fixing some issues in super flat worlds.
We don’t know when the potential villager trading changes are coming, but we know that they will rely heavily on biomes. This will make super flat worlds miss out on the new trades. I propose that all the Overworld biomes generate in a new default super flat preset, that way already existing worlds can have the new trades once they arrive.
I also think that slime chunks should no longer be generated as this feature is not intuitive to the player, and exposes technical aspects of the game which break immersion. It would be much better if there was a new cave biome that would replace the slime chunks instead. (Previously generated slime chunks would still work in order to not break slime farms in existing worlds). This would make the lives of super flat players way less annoying!
I hope you like these suggestions, or at least that they inspire an interesting discussion on ways to improve the super flat experience.
iNkoR_the_2nd lived. Didn’t expect that, did you
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Mogswamp The Superflat Specialist
With a 12 year old Superflat world, Mogswamp is one of the most dedicated players in Minecraft, and helps Joel, and Jonny unpack what makes the Superflat game mode such a compelling experience for some players, as well as how it feels to return to default Survival Minecraft on the Minecraft SOS server with Jonny, and friends.