The Spawn Chunks 282: Unlocking The Vault
Joel, and Jonny bounce around new details about the balled up armadillo in the latest Minecraft snapshot, answer listener email about the absence of quartz in generated structures, and attempt to unlock the details of the new vault block.
Joel Duggan
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- The Citadel | Westhill Valley
- Finished up the riverbanks along the northern wheat farm.
- The Citadel – Wheat Farm Riverbanks – Part 2 (
- Finished the northern wheat field details, including small adjustments walls, paths, and grass borders.
- The Citadel – Wheat Field Final Details (
- Replaced the old top of the Westhill north gate – one of the oldest builds in Westhill – with a bell tower.
- The north gate now matches the other three bell towers in Westhill to the east, west, and south.
- The Citadel – North Gate Bell Tower (
- Finished up the riverbanks along the northern wheat farm.
- The Minecraft Survival Guide, Season 3
- Work continues on the floating ship-island build.
- The ship has been assemble, and some proportions have changed.
- There were some challenges blending the ship into the landmass below.
- The island portion of the build has also started to get some texture on the underside using different stone types.
- Work continues on the floating ship-island build.
Minecraft News
- Minecraft: Java Edition Snapshot 24W04A (
- Copper Grate (Minecraft Wiki)
- The Vault Block Is Revealed
- Revealing A New Block + Trial Key Unlocks…??? | Minecraft Monthly (
- Kingbdogz tweet on the vault loot (@Kingbdogz on Twitter.)
Chunk Mail
FROM: Daniel C.
SUBJECT: Quartz Structure
Hey Pix, and Joel,
I’ve been an avid listener of the podcast for a year or so now.
Building on the spirit of last week’s (ep. 281) email regarding The Nether, I was left wondering about quartz.
Almost every building block in the game appears in a generated structure, one way or the other. Cobblestone in jungle temples, and villages, almost all wood types in villages, along with some terracotta, deepslate in ancient cities, blackstone in bastions, copper, and tuff are now in the new trial chambers, etc.
What about quartz? We can craft blocks, stairs, slabs and decorated variants, but there is no trace of it being used in the past. We know that piglins mined gold, netherrack, and blackstone because they used it in bastion structures, but why not quartz?
I propose a new structure for The Nether made out of quartz, and perhaps basalt, which also doesn’t have a structure with it yet. It could be something simple like a piglin statue, like Joel suggested, or some kind of ghast shrine with some gunpowder, and ghast tears in a chest or something.
What are your thoughts? I agree that The End should get more attention, but it wouldn’t hurt to add a small new structure to the Nether.
Daniel fell to a lava lake while mining for quartz but activated elytra at the last second and flew away to safety.
FROM: Kokorodaki
DISCORD MEMBER: Landscape Artist Member
SUBJECT: Trial Key Outside Of Trial Chambers
Hi Pix, and Joel,
This week we got news about what the trial key will be used for in the trial chambers with 1.21. Personally, I think it’s an interesting system, and although the rewards currently seem mediocre, Mojang have said those are placeholders, and may change, so I’m withholding any judgment about that for now.
However, I think this system could be adopted across so much more of the game. I’d love to see Mojang use this in some of the rarer structures in the game to allow players to reset looted chests once per player, at least those that don’t come with much loot of significance that may have unique rewards. For example, any players who want to collect conduits on a large multiplayer server may have to travel thousands of blocks away to find undiscovered buried treasure, so what if a trial key could be used on a buried treasure chest to regenerate the loot, and maybe get a heart of the sea out of it? Or what if some of the more special chests in bastions could be regenerated for more chances at ancient debris and smithing templates? Or perhaps instead of resetting existing chests, what if some structures got extra chests added that could only be opened with trial keys?
Do you guys think something like this could work? Is there anything else you think trial keys could be used for, considering how easy they are to farm?
Kokorodaki drowned next to a buried treasure chest because he couldn’t remember which shulker had his trial keys.
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Drop It Like It’s Vault
This week Minecraft revealed the purpose of the vault keys that players receive as a reward for completing trial chamber challenges. They keys unlock a new block called ‘the vault’, which gives a one time, player instanced reward. Joel, and Jonny discuss their thoughts on player linked loot, speculate on what loot the vault, and similar systems in should drop, as well as the potential of the vault as a broader concept in Minecraft.