The Spawn Chunks 242: A Rocky Start For Minecraft Legends
Joel, and Jonny review the light changes in the latest Minecraft: Java Edition snapshot for Trails & Tales, answer listener email about minor releases, and modded mindset, then dive banner first into their full review of Minecraft Legends.

Joel Duggan

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- The Citadel, Westhill
- The west ridge bridge battle continues to be one of those projects that expands quickly from one task to three, then to seven.
- The way the bridge gate structure attaches to the Westhill curtain wall has been completely re-done, and a fourth tower has been added to the gate to make the whole build feel more intentional.
- Some textures have been laid in, and some custom cliffs have been started to help make the build feel like part of the landscape.
- The pillar supports, and the broad side profile of the bridge remain undecorated for now
- The Citadel – West Ridge Bridge – Part 4 (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- The Citadel – West Ridge Bridge – Part 5 (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- The Citadel – West Ridge Bridge – Part 6 (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- The Citadel – West Ridge Bridge – Part 7 (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- Minecraft Legends
- Two streams worth of Minecraft Legends single player campaign, including some co-op campaign tasks with Jonny.
- Minecraft Legends – First Playthrough – Campaign & Co-Op With Pixlriffs – Part 1 (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- Minecraft Legends – First Playthrough – Campaign – Part 2 (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- Two streams worth of Minecraft Legends single player campaign, including some co-op campaign tasks with Jonny.

- Empires, Season 2
- All efforts on Empires are now focused on what is now being called Castle Greyscale, starting with building up the front gate, walls, and attached towers.
- Happy Legends Day! Castle Building – Empires SMP (Twitch.tv/Pixlriffs)
- Grand Castle Gateway – Empires SMP (Twitch.tv/Pixlriffs)
- Castle Building – Empires SMP (Twitch.tv/Pixlriffs)
- All efforts on Empires are now focused on what is now being called Castle Greyscale, starting with building up the front gate, walls, and attached towers.
- Minecraft Legends
- Exploring the Minecraft Legends single player campaign, and the Lost Legends & Myths “Portal Pile” challenge map

Minecraft News
- Minecraft: Java Edition Snapshot 23W16A (Minecraft.net)

- Minecraft Legends Is Here (Minecraft.net)

Chunk Mail
FROM: Elkhorn95
DISCORD MEMBER: Landscape Artist
SUBJECT: Dot Updates And The Flattening
Hi Jonny, and Joel!
Set your Wayback Machine to 1.13, (the Update Aquatic) and recall “The Flattening” – a major change to the underlying code that changed IDs from numbers to descriptors, and eliminated character limits allowing for longer block names, and expanding the potential block inventory. We saw an immediate impact with the addition of prismarine slabs, and stairs. A taste of things to come in 1.14 when we got slabs, stairs, and walls for a whole host of existing blocks with a few glaring exceptions. (Looking at you, cracked stone brick slabs, and stairs, and you quartz walls).
Since then, we’ve gotten new blocks (like blackstone) with the full array of sub-blocks, and even a new tile block variant for deepslate. Some of the older blocks are still lacking those sub-block variants, and other new blocks that could use them aren’t given them (Tuff, calcite, concrete, etc.)
With the update cycle change of smaller bug-fixing, dot-updates (like 19.2, .3, .4), wouldn’t those be a great place to start adding these sub-blocks in? Instead of just bug-fixes or quality of life updates, Mojang could fill out missing block variants. “Here’s a bunch of bug fixes, and hey – quartz walls!”
“Mighty” curious to hear your thoughts on the concept.
Elkhorn95 was blown up by a creeper trying to crack stone brick slabs, and stairs.
FROM: Luna
SUBJECT: Not Having To Mod Anymore
Howdy Pix, and Joel!
In the nine years that I’ve been playing Minecraft most of my playtime was in modded. Though not because of additional content. I always found some of Minecrafts mechanic unintuitive, small things like uneditable signs, or crafting being tedious, or big things like villager mechanics.
I have always download hundreds of tiny mods, to tweak those features, but increasingly as Minecraft keeps updating, especially with updates like Village & Pillage, with new workstations, and Caves & Cliff’s, and now Trails & Tales with a bunch of customization features, I find my mod list whittled down to just performance mods as I become more satisfied with vanilla Minecraft.
I find myself at an impasse, should I switch to vanilla, where the game is stable if a bit familiar, or should I keep modding, where there can be wild changes that activate my brain into “Ooh! New, and shiny”, while sometimes being a crashy mess with weird troubleshooting problems?
You see this dichotomy of players wanting more quality of life updates vs shiny new things in the community as well. Some players even growing bored with the more methodical updates, while others want more established features. Food for thought I guess.
Luna died of her computer exploding from too many mods.
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A Rocky Start For Minecraft Legends
Joel, and Jonny discuss their full impressions of Minecraft Legends now that the game has been out for almost a week. While ultimately a rocky start, Minecraft Legends has potential. Joel, and Jonny walk through the experience of the early campaign, PvP matches, challenge maps, and speculate on what may be coming in the market place. Where Minecraft Legends presents a unique way to experience the world of Minecraft, with clever story beats, unique gameplay methods, and an animated, veracious, if not a little dense enemy in the piglins, it also has shortcomings that on the surface seem minor, but pile up to become a real hinderance to the game experience. Minecraft Legends can be fun, when it’s not getting in its own way.
Minecraft Legends
- Minecraft Legends (Minecraft.net)
- An update for PvP match making is coming (@Legends_Game on Twitter)
- Minecraft Legends Blackbird Interactive (BlackbirdInteractive.com)
Minecraft Legends Reviews
- Minecraft Legends Review (PCgamer)
- This legend leaves out Minecraft’s spirit of invention and creativity.
- Minecraft Legends Review (IGN)
- Saving the Overworld one block at a time.
- Minecraft Legends Review (ScreenRant)
- Strategy with some snags.