The Spawn Chunks 237: Be Your Own Editor
Jonny, and Joel review the release of Minecraft Java Edition 1.19.4, Bedrock Edition 1.19.70, and the new Bedrock Edition creative editor tool before answering listener email about building scaffolding, Minecraft burnout, and cherry pie.

Joel Duggan

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- The Citadel
- The west taiga road needed road texture, roadside shrubbery and foliage details, a retaining wall, and little bits of landscaping here and there.
- The Citadel – West Taiga Road Details (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- The Westhill town square needed the final stone mosaic pattern, helping that whole area feel more complete.
- The Citadel – Retaining Wall And The Westhill Square (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- Finishing the moat that runs in front of the keep, filling it with water, adding sea grass and vegetation.
- The Citadel – Moat And Barracks Details (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- A small stable by the parade square helped fill in some of that space, and add a bit more function to the space above the moat.
- The Citadel – Small Parade Square Stables (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- The parade square had some adjustments to make it fit better with the Westhill square and surrounding builds, and the empty areas above the moat needed to be filled in with foliage.
- The Citadel – Final Moat Details (Twitch.tv/joelduggan)
- The west taiga road needed road texture, roadside shrubbery and foliage details, a retaining wall, and little bits of landscaping here and there.

- Empires, Season 2
- The cliff is almost done! The plan is to start the castle on this Tuesday’s stream. (March 21, 2023)
- Going in without a plan, but with the foundation of having studied a few castles, and knowing the layout of the chief inspiration, Stormveil from Elden Ring.
- Choppin’ The Cliff – Empires S2 (Twitch.tv/pixleiffs)
- Finishing The Cliffs – Empress S2 (Twitch.tv/pixlriffs)
- The cliff is almost done! The plan is to start the castle on this Tuesday’s stream. (March 21, 2023)
- Minecraft Bingo 1.19.4
- Minecraft Bingo just got updated to 1.19.4, which eliminates a major issue of drops from mined blocks being misplaced at extreme coordinates.
- Looking forward to continuing the game mode, and Minecraft knowledge challenge of Minecraft Bingo.
- (Twitch.tv/pixleiffs)

Minecraft News
- Minecraft: Java Edition 1.19.4 (Minecraft.net)

- Minecraft Preview (Minecraft.net)

- Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.19.70 (Minecraft.net)

Chunk Mail
FROM: TryingMrJames
SUBJECT: Music Discs & Scaffolding In Builds
Dear Jonny and Joel,
Following your previous discussion about music discs on the podcast, I thought that perhaps using a dropper on a jukebox could add a music disc, when the jukebox is empty, and a dispenser could kick any music disc out of the jukebox, and replace it. I think this would align with existing mechanics in the game.
Also, I have been building a cathedral in creative, (screenshots attached), and I have been experimenting with adding a permanent scaffold structure to the interior, to prevent having a hollow box. Would you consider adding a scaffolding structure as a permanent feature of your builds? Maybe not the scaffolding block, but something of your own design within Minecraft.
Would love to hear your thoughts!
TryingMrJames died trying to make their e-mail shorter…

FROM: Dragonblade
SUBJECT: Young Canadian Inspiration
Hello Jonny, and Joel!
I am 11 years old and I live in Canada. I just started listening to your podcast a couple months ago, and I am loving it! I was going back and listening to some of your earlier episodes, and started wondering how you get inspired, and how you don’t get burnt out making your really big long term projects like Joel’s medieval town Westhill, and Pixlriffs’ Ancient Ruins on Empires. It amazes me how you can stay inspired for that amount of time. In my friend’s realm we reset every two or three months because we can’t stay inspired, and everyone gradually stops playing. If you can give us some tips that would be great!
Dragonblade died of boredom because none of his friends ever got online.
FROM: SirArcha
SUBJECT: Tales & Tales
Hi Jonny and Joel,
With the new Trails & Tales update coming, it’s got me thinking about storytelling. I have never really been a builder, but inspiration struck while building a floating fort. I began wondering about he whys, and hows of my fort. Although unnecessary, storytelling is a core part of Minecraft, and one of the things that is more interesting to me.
Have you ever struggled to come up with ideas or reasoning for builds? If not, how did ideas strike in the first place?
SirAcha was slain by Zombie after their plot armour broke.
FROM: KingAlbie93
SUBJECT: Cherry Blossoms, Archeology & Story Telling
Hey there my new favorite podcast hosts!
The world is turning pink! With the evident emphasis on story telling in the the upcoming update, what do you guys think about Mojang adding cherries with the new cherry blossom biome and the ability to craft cherry pies as a well as apple, sweet berry and chorus fruit pies? My idea is that along with clay pots it would be so cool for Mojang to add clay plates to display foods on. (Like pies! etc.) Displaying soups, and suspicious stews would also be interesting. This would help with storytelling in multi player worlds, and allow for creativity with decorating, and bringing life to the homes we build.
Let me know your thoughts and best regards!
KingAlbie93 died dreaming of displayable food instead of eating actual food.
- All About Gardening: Cherry Trees vs Cherry Blossoms (AllAboutGardening.com)

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