The Spawn Chunks 156: More Changes Spring Up

Aug 30, 2021 | podcast

Joel and Jonny break down the finer tweaks of Experimental Snapshot 5 for Minecraft 1.18, talk Bedrock beta terrain, and end game wood, all before exploring the idea of Minecraft interpreting the natural world.

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  • Jonny
    • Working through the design of a moss farm for the Hardcore Survival Guide.
    • Farming pointed dripstone, and lava with that pointed dripstone, on the Empires server.
    • Wrapped up the latest series of Minecraft RTX videos with more work on the castle build.
    • Finished in a three-way tie for last place on Clash of the Creators, but still had a ton of fun!

Minecraft News

Chunk Mail

FROM: Shepard
DISCORD MEMBER: Landscape Artist Member
SUBJECT: Tree Farming Without TNT Duping

Hi Joel & Johnny!

I like to play Minecraft without relying too much on what I consider exploits. For example I don’t build on the Nether roof and I don’t want to use TNT duping.

It’s working out fine for me – the only thing where I feel really limited is farming wood. I want various types of wood and I need lots of it for large build projects. It seems to be the only material that you always need a lot of, but is still a grind at end game if you play with “intended mechanics”. A lot of the other materials you can either farm with pistons or insta-mine with beacons, or you destroy a desert for TNT.

For a long time I thought the answer could be a way to get something like TNT renewably. Like a type of TNT based on soul sand, which you can get renewably from Piglin bartering. This would certainly be the more versatile solution.

But for wood, maybe the answer lies in having a way to be able to insta-mine it. Maybe a special axe enchantment or an effect like Haste. Then a tree farm could basically be a block storage like people do for farming mushroom blocks.

What do you think about these ideas? Or do you feel like wood types still being a grind at end game is fine for the game

Shepard suffocated in a tree.

FROM: Iridium Steve
SUBJECT: Minecraft Carpentry

Hi Jonny and Joel,

I’ve been listening to The Spawn Chunks for a few months after learning the basics of Minecraft mainly from the Minecraft Survival guide.

I really enjoy the in depth discussions you have about the game and the interviews with developers. Thanks for a great podcast. I’m also enjoying Empires and the Hardcore Survival guide now.

When 1.17 allowed the Stonecutter to create copper block stairs more efficiently, it seems to me that there should be a block in the game to allow wooden stairs and slabs to be created. Obviously you can use the crafting table, but you get the poor wood ratio, unless you apply a mod or datapack like the Hermitcraft server has.

I propose the “Carpentry Block” which would function for a player like the stonecutter, but for wood. Perhaps it could even allow you to skip steps of crafting by allowing logs (as well as planks) to be directly converted to stairs, slabs etc. You would get four times as many items out of a log as you would from a plank.

It could also be a work block for a new villager type – the Carpenter.

They could accept logs or planks to trade for emeralds at low levels. The type of wood they wanted at the low level would match the biome (so Oak / Birch for plans villages, Spruce for Taiga villages, Acacia for Savannah villages). At higher levels they could accept “exotic” wood types (for more emeralds) that are from a biome dissimilar to the village biome (so accepting acacia on a Taiga village for example). They could offer trades where they accept emeralds for things like Signs, Fence Posts, Stairs and other wooden products. Maybe they don’t exist in Desert Villages (no trees) or they trade any wood type in that biome because wood is so scarce.

The main driver of this idea is to give players in vanilla Minecraft a “fair” way to make stairs, but it could be a new villager profession as a pleasant side effect.

I’d be interested to hear what you think and if you think there are other villager types that might add to the vanilla game.

Iridium Steve didn’t want to live in the same world as a shulker (and didn’t have elytra yet).

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Realism In The Minecraft Landscape

With more height variation and diversity in the Minecraft terrain, the debate has resurfaced surrounding how much (or how little) Minecraft should strive to emulate the real world. Jonny and Joel talk about how the interpretation of the world we know is key to the visual charm of Minecraft, and how limiting the things like resources add to the gameplay and accessibility.