The Spawn Chunks 049: Early Minecraft Earth
Jonny and Joel unpack feature changes, bug fixes and performance improvements in the full release of Minecraft 1.14.4, and follow along with some prominent YouTube creators who were given early beta access to Minecraft Earth.

Joel Duggan

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Minecraft News
- Minecraft 1.14.4 Full Release (Minecraft.net)

- New beta version of the Minecraft Launcher (@slicedlime on Twitter)
- Changelog for latest version (Mojang.com)

- Optifine 1.14.4 Pre-1 (Optifine.net)

Chunk Mail
FROM: Bob – CrouchingPython in our Discord
Hi guys,
Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for the amazing podcast and share a bit of background so you can appreciate what I love about The Spawn Chunks.
I teach middle school computer science in The States. In my school that’s grades 5 to 8. I have each student for about 10 weeks, and I try to load up the curriculum with cool technology, all of it having a coding emphasis. So, game design, robots, physical computing, Raspberry Pi, etc. and of course, Minecraft! I’ve been a fan of Minecraft for about 8 years now, and I’m always looking for ways to incorporate it into my curriculum.
I teach coding Minecraft with Python. I call it “Mython” and it’s amazing! In the last year, I’ve introduced Minecraft: Education Edition in some classes, which has opened up another great coding platform (MakeCode). Last quarter I had students build minigames which had to use some redstone and command blocks. Too cool!
I realized that as much I love Minecraft, I actually don’t play it much and as a result, I don’t really know all that much outside of the technical aspects I focus on. I found The Spawn Chunks, which has opened up worlds of things for me to explore. It’s summer break here in The States, and I’m spending as much time as I can going down all of these new rabbit holes.
I would love to hear more technical stuff on the podcast, like the episode with LogicalGeekBoy. How about command blocks? Or something on mapmaking? And while I’m at it, more Bedrock content please…
Anyway, many thanks for sharing your passions in an entertaining, informative, and even “grown up” way!
Bob (Mr. Irving)
Computer Science, Middle School
Charleston, SC
The Grind (Postponed)
We decided to skip the discussion topic this week on account of time and a great Chunk Mail message from Bob that we didn’t want to skip over. We’ll get back to it next week.
Feel free to email us and let us know how you handle “the grind” in Minecraft. Do you love it? Hate it? Is it frightening? To what end? Dread it. Run from it. The grind arrives all the same.