The Spawn Chunks 042: Life, The Universe, and Pillaging
Joel and Jonny discuss Pillager problems, the new Minecraft graphic novel, and their in game experiences in the latest 1.14.2 release so far. Bonus! A quick look at 1.14.3 Pre-release 1 in the post show, Render Distance.

Joel Duggan

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Minecraft News
- Dark Horse Comics Publishes Minecraft graphic novel (Minecraft.net)
- See more of Sarah’s work at SarahGraley.com

- Minecraft: Story Mode will no longer be supported after June 25th (Minecraft.net)
- Telltale Games shut down (TheVerge.com)

- Optifine 1.14.2 Preview Version 7 available as of June 1 (Optifine.net)

Chunk Mail
FROM: Mike
Hello Jonny and Joel. I’m a new listener of the podcast, which is excellent.
My question is about pillagers. Do the new presence of pillager outposts, patrols, and raids dampen your enthusiasm for building in survival?
I’m still a relative novice in Minecraft and protecting a village from pillagers has been challenging, especially with 1.14’s bugs. I wonder if I will need to surround everything I build from now on with walls or moats or other pillager-proof structures. Fending off attacks can be fun, but I can also see them becoming a nuisance after a while.
Thanks for the inspiration and helping me realize there’s a lot more to Minecraft than I first thought.
Discussion Topic
Joel and Jonny discuss their in game impressions of 1.14.2 so far now that they have both had a few hours to play in their respective worlds.
1.14.3 Pre-release 1 was released just at the end of the recording. Joel and Jonny give their first impressions of the bug fixes and patch notes in the Render Distance the extended version of podcast that is available for members on the Patreon page.