The Spawn Chunks 017: Aesthetic Automation
Pixlriffs and Joel ponder the new Pillager Outpost, speculate on spawn mechanics and evaluate texture evolution in Snapshot 18w47b, then articulate their opinion on Minecraft automation.

Joel Duggan

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- Snapshot 18w47a/b (Minecraft.net)
- @_LadyAgnes Savannah Village Image (Twitter)
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Chunk Mail
From: Beck
Hey there!
I just started listening to The Spawn Chunks, and I just finished the 5th episode, the one about storage. I don’t have any screenshots of it, but spent some time creating a pseudo-automated farm for bamboo. It’s mostly just a minecart hopper that travels along rails to pick up the bamboo that I harvested.
Anyway, I have two questions:
- What do you think about the Pillager patrols?
- What are your thoughts on automated farming?
- Specifically, what is it that you like or do not like about the existing materials for automated farming, and…
- What about automated farming in Minecraft would you add or change?
Looking forwards to your next episode!
~ Beck
Mining & Crafting
- Automation (Farming)
- What do we like / dislike about automated farming?
- What about automated farming would we add or change?